The way the community helps remind me how our class also needs help by our community on our mission. it was great to have the news paper highlight our story to the community. Our teacher Kristi has already gotten many phone calls and e-mails from people who want to help us on our journey. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at ways to raise the money we need, one of which is equal exchange.
There was a really cool connection from the book to myself on page 39 where Lucky and Wolf were making a water repellent for their tent. They were doing this because they lived in a tent with their kids and it was leaking. The next day they were trying to put the water repellent on the tent when the tent caught fire. They tried pouring water on the fire but instead it made the flame bigger. They lost nearly everything they owned. Lucky had to take pieces of towels and blankets and sewed them together to make them bigger. About a year ago I was camping with friends, when a hot ember came out of the camp fire and flew into the tent. The tent caught on fire along with my blankets a radio and some person belongings. we tried to put out the fire but nothing really worked. So just like Lucky and Wolf my friends and I lost our belongings as well.